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Stephanie Morgan 11 years ago updated by cute choice 7 years ago 8
I can only import tasks from Asana - Is there any way to import projects? I'm basically using Asana for project management and Weekdone for reporting and I hate it - Would love if there was a way to truly integrate the two. Thanks!
Under review

Integrate with Salesforce

Trey Waddell 11 years ago updated by Weekdone 9 years ago 5

I'd love to see Salesforce integration much like the JIRA connection.  

Weekdone 11 years ago

Hi Trey,

Thank you for the suggestion. Could you tell us, what exactly would you like to import from Salesforce, eg what fields, items and objects? What would become plans, what progress? 

This is on our roadmap but no certain decision on timeline has been made. 

Best regards,

Juri @ Weekdone

Under review

Would love to be able to create a pool of long term goals from which the weekly plans could be selected.

Frank Horbelt 9 years ago updated by Weekdone 9 years ago 3
Your set up instructions mention writing all of your goals/to-dos on paper and dividing them into four quadrants to prioritize, why not include that in your software?