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Currently we have no privacy option to show the report only to the manager, but we are considering adding it in the future. We'll add the option to show the report to team members of each team soon as well. 

All the best,


Hi Aziz,

This should be fixed now, sorry for the trouble. Please check and let us know if it works well for you now.

With best regards,



Hi Aziz,

We changed this behavior now so only admins can change that. While most of our users have been small teams, we have been pretty flexible about the roles, but are adding better privacy controls soon.

With best regards,



Thank you for your feedback - we have considered it and found it not-just-yet ready for prime time. We will continue to iterate on the feature and bring it back someday when it will start to delight rather that confuse. :)

Virgo, thanks for the idea!
Can you clarify a bit, what kind of flow do you mean, how would it look like? 

You can add unplanned actions daily under progress. 

And you can extend delayed overdue plans into next week as plans or problems. 

How would your suggested workflow differ, please explain in more detail. Thanks!

Thank you for the idea, Luca. We will put the daily reminder e-mails on our product roadmap. This will then be configurable, as some people find the reminders annoying, others love them. 

One thing we will do sooner or later is the possibility to input everything via e-mail as well, so you get the reminder, reply in a structured format and that gets parsed into our system. No need to open up the web interface for input that way. 

We're also considering Chrome and Firefox plugins, both for fast data entry as well as to quickly check on what your plans were. 

Hope that sounds good?