Not a bug

Employee did not do a report for the week: it still shows up.

Vic C. 9 aastat tagasi uuendaja Weekdone 9 aastat tagasi 6
Bug report:
When I go to https://weekdone.com/all?group=type
I still see report for Fadel. Fadel is on 2 week vacation and it shows him 'working'.
What if person leaves a company, it still shows up after weeks?

Expected behavior: at end of week, if a employee enters nothing, they don't show up in following weeks reports. Can I get an eta on bug fix?
ps: today we signed for the paid account.

Not a bug at all, it's expected behavior. It is impossible to know if people are working on projects for couple of weeks or are on vacation. Quite often people have tasks under Plans that they work on from week to week. It would be incorrect to hide them then. 

The solution is not technical but procedural inside our company. If a person goes on vacation and you don't want to see their plans, the best way is to ask them to clear their tasks and add just one task: On vacation this week. 

Another thing you can do technically under Template settings is to change category to not carry items to next week and to clear. That's how Problems and Progress work by default. You can change the settings under gear icon to the right of each category heading on that settings page.Plans is a special category, there you can make items to go once per week to Plans on hold category, which is like a holding pad for long-term plans. 

When a person leaves a company, you should remove them from the team to inactive users. 

Thank you for the suggestion though and for subscribing!

Co-founder, Weekdone
Like said, there is nothing to fix. This is how most users want the product to behave. 
Absolutely not true. I checked. You can't just pass of a buggy product as a 'feature', as you will get a reputation as such and that is hard to shake.
Can you please explain, what do you consider a bug? Carrying items forward to next week is just as most users want, and like explained below, it's a configurable feature under Template Settings. 

Also if you decide for Plans and all other categories to clear each week, not carry forward, if an employee does not fill anything, there is a special message in front of the weekly e-mail saying that person did not fill in the report, plus the people dashboard shows that person did not fill in their report. All you need to do is disable carry forward to next week of old plans.