Ваші коментарі

Fully agree with you. We will try to improve this over time, but parsing e-mails is hard because many e-mail clients don't follow the standards and mess up their replies. Having an empty line after your Progress items should not include anything below the empty line though, so try always including one or more empty lines after the items.

Deleting comments should now work everywhere. 

We now have a section called "Plans on hold" where you can enter future plans. It's the first yellow section in the report form.

Thank you for noticing. This bug got fixed already some time ago, forgot to mention it here. 

Took some time, but now you can change your weekly work week happiness rating multiple times as well. 

Jüri @ Weekdone

Thanks for the report. We should now have fixed the ability to post empty comments. Deleting and editing of managerial reviews and questions at the end of personal reports should go live any day as well, our mistake it was initially left out. Item comments have always had edit and delete options.

All the best,

The search is based on autocomplete, which we now improved and display an "No results found" message in case there are no results. Really no reason to press enter, although sometimes there might be a slight delay until the results display. Other than that, the results are loaded under the search input and you chose the answer from there.


We are working on deciding how and where to allow the manager to add tasks to employees. Currently there is no such feature and each employee must plan his/her week themselves. 

With all the best,


Thank you for the suggestion, Neal. The first thing we'll do is allow the Problems section be visible to employee and his/her direct manager only, as that section might be more sensitive. As for per item privacy, we are looking into that as well, so Weekdone can be used more also for private task lists. 


Thank you for the request. We will add the option to change your happiness via stars soon. 

With all the best,
